Dr. Jart Ceramidin Liquid

As it says on the bottle - liquid skin saver! Click to read more.

11st Haul

I hauled like a mofo the past two months. I was on a no-buy until I found out that 11st had a free EMS shipping deal! It still took forever to get to me (thanks Canada Post!) but it was faster than registered mail and a great deal to boot! Click to read about what I hauled.

Avecko Haul Pt. 1: Shingmulnara

Hey, so I haven't posted about my full Avecko haul here yet but I thought I would just share three of the products I picked up from a brand that's not very well known. 식물나라 or Shingmulnara is an oliveyoung in-store brand(and therefore owned by the CJ conglomerate).  The name Shingmulnara means Plant Land/Kingdom/World depending how you translate it. Isn't that adorable? They have some pretty neat products and I picked up a couple to try through Avecko, a buying service. Click to read more!

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